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Outpatient Mental Health in New Orleans

Imagine Recovery’s 12-week mental health DBT Skills Outpatient Program (OP) includes a three-hour therapeutic group and an individual therapy session weekly. Every OP client has access to a licensed therapist for DBT phone coaching 12 hours every day. OP group is held on Wednesdays from 1:30-4:30pm, two licensed clinicians facilitate, and group size is limited to 10 clients.

Outpatient Plus Program (OP Plus) clients can enroll in additional mental health-focused groups to enhance the OP experience listed above. These weekly groups allow those seeking outpatient mental health in New Orleans more opportunities to engage, learn, find community, and heal.

OP Plus group opportunities (choices are tailored to each client):
Mondays 9:00-9:50am   Goals
Tuesdays 9:00am-11:00am   Narrative Therapy
Tuesdays 11:00am-1:00pm   Psychodrama
Wednesdays 9:00-9:50am   Mind-Body Medicine Skills
Thursday 9:00-9:50am   Gentle Path through the Twelve Steps
Fridays 9:00-11:20am   Self-Compassion and Empathy
Fridays 11:30am-1:00pm   Creativity
in addition to
Wednesdays 1:30-4:30pm   DBT Skills Group

OP and OP Plus represent healthy treatment continuations for clients completing Intensive Outpatient services. As well, Outpatient programming signifies a positive step for adults seeking support with mental health issues or those without substance use challenges.

Imagine’s Outpatient Programs are transformative for individuals living with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, OCD, and other mental health conditions. These can include borderline and other personality disorders, suicidal ideations, self-harm, process addictions, binge-eating disorder, PTSD and trauma-related issues.

“I am inspired by our clients’ bravery and courage to heal. Our clients come to us seeking relief from significant, daily distress. Oftentimes, our clients have found other treatment methods ineffective and express difficulty imagining a better life for themselves. They tell me they are stressed by chronic experiences of loneliness and unstable relationships. They tell me they are tired because it is exhausting to navigate daily highs-and-lows, intense urges, and lack of joy. DBT teaches our clients how to change their behaviors, thoughts, and emotions to build a life worth living. Our clients leave our program equipped with the skills necessary to meet their personal goals.” – Imagine Clinical Director, P. August Boyd, LCSW-BACS

Imagine Recovery’s DBT Skills Program Explores:

Emotion Regulation

The overall goal of emotion regulation is to reduce emotional suffering. There are several techniques available ranging from mindfulness to self-compassion. The goal is not to get rid of emotions, but better manage challenging ones. Some individuals will always be more emotional than others, and they can have tools to help balance soothe them.


The goal of practicing mindfulness skills for most people is to reduce suffering and increase happiness. This can also help people be more present and accept things for what they are. For some, a goal of mindfulness is to experience reality as it is. For others, it can help them develop self-awareness, let go of the past or better understand their own behavior.

Distress Tolerance

These skills enable people to survive immediate crises without making things worse. They can calmly problem solve or stay rational during stressful moments. They can better accept reality when understanding they can’t change it and it’s not how we want it to be. Distress tolerance can also help people develop emotional maturity and patience as they won’t be as emotionally rattled by everyday circumstances.

Interpersonal Effectiveness

The basic goal is for participants to learn how to be effective in interpersonal interactions. This helps their interactions with others produce the outcomes they want. These skills teach participants how to achieve their goals without alienating the other person or losing their self-respect. Interpersonal effectiveness skills are also necessary for strengthening current relationships. Additionally, they are useful for finding and building new relationships. All module descriptions are derived from Marsha Linehan, PhD., ABPP, creator of dialectical behavioral therapy.

Outpatient Plus (OP Plus)

Imagine Recovery’s OP Plus mental health program encourages clients to customize their treatment by engaging in an additional inspiring and healing group that benefits them. This allows those seeking outpatient mental health treatment in New Orleans additional opportunities to find community, learn, interact, and heal.

During the 12-week OP Plus Program, clients attend Tuesday Narrative Therapy group for six weeks in addition to the Wednesday Outpatient (OP) DBT Skills group. This is followed by six weeks of Wednesday OP group. Throughout the 12 weeks, clients receive individual therapy on a weekly basis and have phone coaching with a licensed clinician available 12 hours every day.

The OP Plus groups we offer are:

Narrative Therapy
Tuesdays 11:00am-1:00pm
Narrative therapy is founded on the idea that we make meaning of our lives through the stories we live out as we interact with each other. These stories are shaped and constrained by the stories that are carried in our social, political, and interpersonal contexts — the ideas in our culture that we take for granted as “reality” are carried in these dominant storylines. When we feel stuck in stories that don’t measure up on some cultural scale of performance, we can restrict the possibility to perceive a better life. Imagine Recovery’s Narrative Therapy groups aim to help people experience some of the alternative storylines that already exist in their lives that may have been overshadowed or forgotten — stories with themes and plots that are in line with more empowering, more satisfying, more hope-filled futures. Such stories are always there if we look for them. The goal is to explore alternative stories to better match who we are and want to be, bringing about positive change and better mental health.

Reach Out for Help Today!

Contact Imagine Recovery today to start treatment or ask about our programs. We’re here to guide you to the help that you or your loved one needs. Visit our admissions page for more!

Clients and Family say:

About Imagine Recovery

  • When I came through the doors of Imagine last year, I looked and felt like the “before” photo in a pet adoption advertisement: Sick, scared, confused, and probably not smelling all that great. I didn’t know exactly what I needed, only that I wanted a better life, a healthier, happier one. Soon after, I became Imagine Client #1. No pressure, right? After ten weeks of IOP and eight weeks of outpatient treatment, I felt as though I’d been born again. It’s not hard to see why Imagine has chosen a phoenix as its spirit animal and logo, a legendary mythical creature that is continuously born anew from its own ashes. And that’s precisely how I feel today, rebuilt from the charred remains of an unhealthy and fearful life, a new and better man, husband, brother, son, and (at least I hope) member of the human race. For the first time in a long time, I have peace, health, and hope, which are no small things. I am, and will always be, eternally grateful for those gifts.

    Scott G.

  • I will NEVER forget you and Chris taking my hand and walking me through the hardest time in my life. Your words gave me hope when I needed it the most. I make 6 months this week!!”

    Catilin S.


    I can’t say enough how much Imagine has impacted my life. Being in a new city, I felt lucky and grateful that a place like Imagine was a familiarity and sort-of home base in my life for the first couple months – and I know it will always be there for me moving forward. It has not only helped me build a strong community and confidence as I start this new chapter of my life, but it also has given me tools to continue to succeed in whatever life throws at me.


  • Felicia & Chris,

    We are beyond grateful for what you have done for our son and our family. You caught a soul before he fell too far and redirected the course of his life. What we are learning about epigenetics is that you have not only impacted our son, but also his future children and their children. You are deeply impacting this world. You are both such inspirations to all those that are fortunate enough to know you.

    Parents of an Imagine alumni

    Hi everybody,
    To everyone in the Imagine Family, I wanted to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. This truly was one of the greatest experiences of my life and I couldn’t have done it without each and every one of you. I promise to come back every now and again because I don’t want to lose touch with the people that changed my life for the better.
    From the bottom of my heart, thank you and with love,

    Anonymous male graduate, 24

  • I was sitting outside, enjoying the breeze, watching the trees sway and admiring the beautiful colors. For me, that is a stillness I was once uncomfortable being in. I must admit, I did not think I needed IOP at Imagine after completing a 30-day inpatient program. In fact, I felt I knew all the cliché sayings, read the material, had it thrown at me from every direction, and I would not gain anything from attending IOP post-inpatient treatment. Oh how wrong I was! While attending group meetings and one-on-ones, I gained so much insight, compassion and confidence. I learned to fully forgive, both myself and others. I am more patient when I used to be reactionary. The shell of a person I once considered myself is now humbly strong. And guess what – I like me. I could not have made these leaps without the guidance and suggestions I received at Imagine. I am beyond grateful to have y’all as part of my journey. Thank you so much for everything you do and everything you’ve allowed me to gain through your program. 

    Much Love Ladies 🙂

  • To the wonderful people of Imagine,

    Someone wise once told me that we should live our lives in a way that, when we pass, the most important words spoken about you will be “They made a difference.

    In the game of addiction, hope is hard to come by, the pain swallows people whole and the wounds can turn into an unimaginable cancer. If one can muster up enough strength and conviction, recovery is possible. But still, the process has to include the contrasting element to addiction, connection.

    At Imagine, Felicia, you’ve devoted your life to be a healer. You have provided the pace for connection – that is a crucial element in having a chance at conquering addiction. The wonderful staff are all as equally important as you are. Thank you all for your compassion. It is a breath of fresh air!

    I know I speak on behalf of many people when I say… Imagine is making a difference in this world!

    Thank you.

    TL 🙂

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